
A-shape is an iPad and iPhone app. It can allow you to create interesting shapes, with affine transformation.

We do an iteration:

for i = 0 to Total Objects
xs = X
ys = Y
x = xs * R * cos(teta) - ys * S * sin(psi) + E
y = xs * R * sin(teta) - ys * S * cos(psi) + F
Object's size = Total Objects - i
Draw the object at coordinate (x,y)
Rotate the object by Rotation Increment

Try different parameters, objects and colors, you may find the result interesting at the end of the iteration.

Here are a couple of examples

Thursday, 17 January 2019

Version 2.0 released in App Store

This app is finally in App Store again.

This time it works on both iPad and iPhone.

The UI has been altered to look more "modern".

It's free for now.

No reason not to enjoy A-shape.

Feedbacks are certainly welcome.